          斷言511地震!王老師露臉 強調救菁英份子 It is his duty to tell the public what and how the point of view he can see Free of Charge at his free speech right blog; the media should do the duty to invite all "1.Jean" 裝潢experts to come out to express every one's individual point of view instead of broadcasting your sucking shameless public official or semi-official "7.Sean.Ju" that eating your suc 膠原蛋白king brainless tax payers public fund bonelessly to come out to attack (you sucking shameless brainless immoral "7.Sean.Ju" [王老師511末日? 氣象局:謠言-民視新聞] dare c 房屋買賣ommit the crime to attack any private citizen while you sucking shameless immoral "7.Sean.Ju" sided with your sucking shameless immoral Chinese evil female dressed animals to show up in front of screen to report your sucking shameless 節能燈具 immoral "7.Sean.Ju" lies, you all Taiwan "7.Sean.Ju" and medis ties already committed the crime more deserve to be killed than any Taiwan private mouse, snake, mosquito, fly, roach.... That so called "7.Sean.Ju.Deed.Zheng.Zhong.Sin.Drew.Ren. Gwall.Kit 室內裝潢e.Wen" should resign for the words "May.Yo.B.Yao.Tie.去.Lead.Wheel.Jer.Shit.Dong.C"; a government office cannot know Government must have to prepare the worst, dare see Chinese best fair and balance "Boot.Curse.1.Ren.Fail.Yan" teach like nothing, can have that path and stick to s 票貼eat in any office "Drew.Ren" position to suck, already showed he's more deserve to be killed than any wild animal. My advise to your sucking Taiwan government, to tell your sucking Taiwanese "5.Her.Zhi.Zhong" to rely on natural wild to live or die inside that natural disaster area freely 房屋二胎 or to go out of that disaster area to seek help, government can only build shield out of diaster area, and seal disaster area from being bothered by any outsider; and demand Taiwan military to seal entire Taiwan border immediately and do the duty to kill anyone who is trying to enter Taiwan after any man made or 訂做禮服natural disaster happening.) that so called private 王老師's personal voice.Taiwan must have to face super natural disaster, not if but when, after you sucking Taiwan government abuse your public power to eat tax payers public fund to build so called "雪.Sun.Sway.Dow " "High.Deed.Sway.Dow" "Deed.Shot.Tyell".... etc. etc. that killed 賣屋and destroyed most precious Taiwan beautiful natural free life."子.Boot.Yu.怪.Lead.亂神" does not mean you cannot talk your point of view; because "子.Boot.Yu" simply because "子" could not see "怪.Lead.亂神 "  in any way. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 信用卡代償  .

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